Today, SCCA will share a letter with SCCA racers regarding the 2021 Runoffs National Championships. In it will contain a message just for Mazda drivers. Here it is.
Mazda Drivers – This Part’s for YOU!
Mazda Paddock & Camping Area: Mazda will once again coordinate a special paddock area at the 2021 SCCA National Championship Runoffs at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. As was the case in 2017, this area will be in the main paddock along Hulman Blvd between the walkover bridge and Turn 7. The Mazda Paddock will offer both paved and grass options.
Spaces will be provided to Mazda teams and racers in this area courtesy of Mazda, as long as the appropriate information is provided at the time of team and driver registration.
If you are a multi-car team or prep shop, you can have your whole team in the Mazda area. In that form, you select the Mazda paddock (paved or grass preference). Your drivers need to note that they are with your team in their event registration process.
Drivers not affiliated with a prep shop or team will be able to select the Mazda area with a grass or pavement preference, along with who they might be sharing space with or desire to park near. Mazda and SCCA will work together to accommodate these requests within the Mazda paddock.
Mazda paddock assignments will begin Aug. 2, which means all drivers wishing to paddock in the Mazda area, either individually or with a multi-car team/prep shop, must be registered before that date.
Unless it fits in a qualifying multi-car space, RVs will need to be disconnected. Mazda has secured a grass area in the Turn 2-5 viewing area for a limited number of Mazda teams to park their RVs. Note, this area was not open for spectators in 2017 but will be this year! While it is separate from the paddock area, it is inside the Speedway. The other general camping area is outside of the North end of the Speedway (although still on secure IMS property). If you have an RV and wish to put a request in for the Mazda Team Camping Area, you can note it in your entry. Like everything else, space is limited.
Spec Miata? Free Tires!: For the ninth-straight year, there will be some free Hoosier tires for Spec Miata drivers registering early. The number of available tires varies year-to-year, with the majority of supply coming from unclaimed contingency tires throughout the season. Once the Majors season is complete, we’ll work with Hoosier on the final distribution and e-mail the drivers who will receive them. Those that register early, typically receive more.