Mazda Motorsports has long been known to support all of its racers via technical support, parts discounts, and more; however, traditionally, like most sports, the competitors who have stronger finishes, earn more money. Racing is no different, on the whole.
Mazda Pays More to More Club Racers
During the last few years, however, Mazda Motorsports has increased the depth of payouts to better support more Mazda racers – not just “the pointy end.” This payout expansion has further widened the gap between Mazda and whomever is second in paying the most contingency awards and to the most racers in club racing. (Spoiler: Mazda pays the most, but it’s not just because there are more Mazda’s racing on any given weekend than any other brand; it’s not just because there are more Mazda’s wining and claiming podiums than any other brand; and it’s not just because Mazda pays higher amounts and deeper.)
Between the Mazda and SCCA, Winning in the Majors Tour is Even More Meaningful
As SCCA’s Director of Operations Deanna Flanagan noted, “The commitment involved in racing for a championship is significant.” So the SCCA created the Runoffs Appearance Fund to better recognize those who have carried their success during the season into the National Championship event. “Since the elimination of the tow fund, we have seen a smaller percentage of top points finishers compete at the Runoffs,” continued Flanagan. “The new program provides additional incentive and supports our goal of encouraging the best-of-the-best to attend the Runoffs.”
Mazda appreciates this perspective, and level of racer investment. Over the years, Mazda has shown this by paying thousands of dollars to help its racers.
“Year-after-year, we pay five-figures to our racers, though go about it a little differently than SCCA will with its new Appearance Fund,” commented David Cook, Mazda Motorsports’ business development manager. “We see the value in SCCA’s approach, but we simply offer each class the same tow fund amounts. If a Mazda racer won his or her Divisional Point Championship, Majors Conference Point Championship or Super Tour Point Championship, and has to tow more than 350 miles, we offer a tow fund. SCCA requires a racer to only travel 300 miles one-way in order to receive a portion of its Appearance Fund, which payout amounts are calculated using the total fund amount, class size, and miles traveled based on how ‘the crow flies.’ We have a set payout structure – the same for each class, and base it on miles driven, as long as it is more than 350 miles. Simply, for us, winning an SCCA championship is meaningful, and just one more way we reward them is by helping them get to championship event to represent Mazda.”
For SCCA club payouts, click here.
Mazda Motorsports does offer more contingency to SCCA racers than listed in the SCCA club payouts section; to see the breadth of offering, click here.