Mazda competitors will have early access to the Mazda area in the paddock at the SCCA National Championship Runoffs.
TO: The Mazda Family
FROM: Mazda Motorsports Support Team
DATE: August 26, 2014
SUBJECT: Early Access Parking, 2014 SCCA Runoffs at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Some of you have returned your 2014 SCCA National Championship Runoffs Mazda Paddock Tent & Banquet Confirmation form; we appreciate your prompt reply! For those of you that are registered for the 2014 SCCA National Championship Runoffs, but have not returned the Mazda Paddock Tent & Banquet Confirmation form, we need your confirmation ASAP; an email requesting this with the form attached was sent Monday, August 25.
Mazda is pleased to announce that we have been granted “early access” to the Mazda Paddock and Tent. Please read the following information carefully; then email your responses to Mike Allen:
All competitors (Mazda and otherwise) will be allowed to stage their trailers on South Boundary Road beginning Thursday, October 2 and Friday, October 3 from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This will secure a position in line to enter the paddock; see SCCA’s website for detailed information.
Mazda has arranged special early access to the Mazda Paddock beginning Friday, October 3 from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The early access will be granted to Mazda Team Support Members towing Mazda race vehicles to the Mazda Paddock. A special staging area for teams reserving space in the Mazda Paddock or Tent will be established in the Purple Lot. Teams will receive a special pass two weeks prior to the event to gain access to this area off of South Boundary Road. Additional detailed information will be emailed and available on two weeks prior to the event. Early access is ONLY available if you are parking in the Mazda Paddock; spaces are on a first come, first-served basis and cannot be guaranteed. Remaining Mazda Paddock spaces will continue to be reserved for Mazda Racers during the normal load in times Saturday and Sunday until the main paddock is full. Space in the Mazda paddock will be saved until 5:00 PM on Sunday, October 5. If you arrive after this point, space may be filled by another competitor and you will be directed to a space outside of the Mazda Paddock.
1. What date and time of day do you plan to arrive?
2. If you are arriving on or before Friday, October 3, would you like to use early access and
park your trailer in the Mazda Paddock? Spaces are 25’x30’ with a limited number of
25’x70’ spaces available.
3. If you are arriving after Friday, October 3, would you like to park your trailer in the
Mazda Paddock?
4. If you have an awning and plan to use it, what are the dimensions?
Thank you!
Your Mazda Motorsports Support Team